One thought on “Alycia Nichols, Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One,, “Christmas in the Woods”: Christmas sweaters on wine bottles

  1. I am sooooo happy that plaid is in, in such a big way this year! Not that it was ever really out, but, boy, it’s nice to see so much of it around this year; and you are right, I take a huge bow to Mr R.L., he’s just, well, he’s just a genius! Oh, Alycia, your table is wonderful! Wait until you see my new Christmas dishes, I bought the Lenox Plaid Winter Greetings that just came out. They are beautiful, but your design this week is giving me so much inspiration for my table! I love your combination of plaid with rustic, and even with yarn-knitted bottle cozies! I love these patterns and textures together! You definitely have another winner!


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